A business owner has a personal facebook so they feel confident that they can manage their own accounts. It logically makes sense too. Who knows more about what the company wants the customer to think than the owner. The problem is that mistakes can be made without knowledge of them. Below I discuss the top 6 social media don’ts and I present ways for your business to fix them.

1Information Overload

So, you're really excited coming up with meaningful content to share that supports your branding. You think that more is better, so far the results have been positive.

For any business posting too often can hurt their following. Offering too much information in a post can distract readers. Instead, post clear and concise content. They want information that they can easily understand, less is more. Try using pictures to tell a story. Recent statistics have shown that customers respond well to visual story telling.

2Liking Your Own Posts

Please don't do it! It shows who posted and we expect that a business is posting things that they support. That one extra like is not worth it.

"Social media is a great way to introduce your business to new customers. You can establishes communities. If utilized correctly, it is the best marketing tool our there."

3Response Time

Remember that time you had to call a customer service phone number. For some people every minute they wait on hold gives them more time to be upset about the problem. Social media is the same. If you get a negative review/comment it is best to respond quickly.

Actively replying to comments is important. People use social media to get questions answered and connect with others. Customers like to see you respond to others, it paints a picture of good customer service. They want to know that you do the best thing for your customer. It encourages them to trust you and get an understanding of your business and branding. A quick response time is encouraged with positive commenting as well!

dog in chair

4Old Accounts

Going back to what was already mentioned, having an account is not good enough. Yes, sometimes it is better to have a page than to not have one. However, you need to check into the page every once in a while and verify that you haven't had any messages, comments, or reviews that need attending to. Best thing to do if you don't have time to keep up with an account is close it. Don't overdo it and think that you need to be on every platform.


Remember networking is the point. This is forgotten as social media gets comfortable. It does not mean you need to tag the world in every post. This just means make your followers feel wanted. That being said, nobody wants a fake automated response. Social media works because we are all human and we crave human interaction, other than my fellow introverts. Anyways, put life into your networking and be genuine about it. Real connections for real reasons.


6#hashtag #everything

NO... just no. Here is the thing, hashtag is great. It allows you to find people discussing similar topics. In twitter it can be extremely useful if used correctly. Sometimes hashtagging is not necessary and #over #hashtagging #everything is #annoying. If it is not relevant, funny, or useful than don't do it. Remember keep everything clear and concise.

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